Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Doing My Part to Help the Economy

Thanks to us, Sudafed and Kleenex should have their best quarter ever. We've been going through it like crazy around here. Lucky Peter is the only one not sick. I'm hoping that once we all get well again, we'll have developed some kind of immunity to it so that the next time it comes around we won't have to worry about it! Sick children are cranky children, so other than a quick trip to Costco for the essentials (milk, bread, and chocolate muffins ) we've stuck pretty close to home so far this week. After getting home from our shopping trip yesterday, I was carrying the last of the groceries in, and when I got into the kitchen, there was John, with the whole package of muffins (12 big ones) hanging from his mouth. He'd bit into one right through the plastic and was walking around with it dangling from his teeth. Before we left for Costco, I found him sitting in the fireplace. When he saw me, he crawled out and started running across the living room, ashes falling off the seat of his pants behind him. I think he woke up that morning and decided to see how far he could push his mom! Fortunately for both of us, today has been a MUCH better day!!

I haven't had as much time for scrapping the past couple of weeks, but I did finish my hybrid project for Valentine's Day; I made a little mint tin album for Simon with whatever photos of the two of us I could find on my hard drive. It was more work than I thought it was going to be, but fun to put together. The process of trying to find some picture of us made me realize that we don't have too many! Maybe I should hand the camera over to James and have him take some of us. Or maybe not. I'll have to think about that some more. Anyway, here's how the mint tin turned out:

I decided after I had already glued the album in to paint the outside. Next time, I'm definitely doing the painting first!

I'm still having fun guesting for Shen. I made a couple more pages; the first with her fun new set of photo masks, and the second one with Swell Set no. 2. I filled it up with photos from our trip to Seattle last December. It was just the push I needed to sort through the hundreds of photos we took and pick out some of my favorites.

Brittney's new kit this week was just perfect for this photo of my nephew. He's the funniest little kid; always going around with this look on his face like he knows something you don't know. My mom took this picture of him when she was at my sister's house one day; he'd just emptied his milk cup onto his highchair tray and was happily playing in the mess. If you buy the kit this week, you get a fun pack of glitter papers included in your download.

This last page is one of my favorites. The boys had so much fun at the children's museum; I can't wait until we have the opportunity to go back.

I think one of the best things about this hobby is that it forces me to get out my camera and take pictures otherwise I don't have anything to scrap! Before I loaded everyone in the van for our trip yesterday, I grabbed my camera and took a few snaps of Peter in the front yard. He's just started walking and can take 6 or 7 steps before he loses his balance and falls. (Don't look at his hair; he desperately needs a hair cut!) He's tremendously proud of his new skill, and always looks around to see if anyone's watching him.

(Frame & elements from the new Sugarplum Paperie collab kit coming to the DigiChick tomorrow.)

Well, I'd better go figure out what to make all these hungry boys for dinner before I find another bite out of the chocolate muffins with a bite out of it!